During November, ACES BARKery was thrilled to be recognized at the Spectrum Star Shine Gala! It is so inspiring to see these local businesses embrace inclusion in the workforce, especially for individuals on the spectrum. We are incredibly honored to be a Star Shine recipient.

ACES BARKery was also excited to participate in the FESTIVAL OF TREES presented by Aurora Theatre in Lawrenceville! The trees are on display from November 28, 2024 to December 23, 2024. Your donations are greatly appreciated and will contribute to holiday toy drives with The Boys & Girls Club of Lawrenceville and BLACT ATL.
Food donations will benefit hundreds of families via the Lawrenceville Co-Op Ministry! And, donations of pet products will go to Planned PEThood.
How to participate:
* Visit Aurora Theatre
* Stroll through beautiful trees
* Bring unwrapped toys and non-perishable grocery goods to donate.
* Place your donations under ACES BARKery’s tree to vote for us as this year’s winner.
More Information: https://www.auroratheatre.com/pro.../view/festival-of-trees/
We also kicked off the holiday season with a HUGE donation of canned goods to Southeast Gwinnett Cooperative Ministry.
Seeing the tremendous community impact of our charity poker events is quite heartwarming and we greatly appreciate all of our participants
who helped us accumulate 2122 pounds of food during November!
On a more personal note, we were asked by The McCoy Family to help with medical expenses relating to the devastating loss of their newborn daughter, Charlotte. Our ACES Charity Poker participants truly showed where their hearts were in supporting this cause and we are grateful for their generosity.
This GoFundMe remains active and donations can still be made to support them during this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers remain with the McCoy family: https://gofund.me/501c4986

We end November with such gratitude for all of our supporters. Thank you for an incredible month!
